Better music from your iPhone
Get beautiful music from mobile devices using the Dragonfly USB DAC + Preamp + Headphone Amplifier.
Here’s the deal. Music on your computer and smart phone is encoded digitally. I know that may come as a shock to some of you but it’s true. Your ears don’t hear digital. Inside your ears are thin flaps of tissue called tympanic membranes that vibrate in response to fluctuations in air pressure. 20 fluctuations per second is 20 hertz and 20,000 fluctuations per second is 20 kHz or kilohertz. The sensitivity of your hearing is measured logarithmically. That is to say there is greater sensitivity at the lower end of the frequency spectrum than at the higher end. In layman’s terms that means one can easily hear the difference between 100 and 200 Hertz but one very likely can’t hear the difference between 10,000 and 11,000 Hertz. To translate the linear progression of digital audio’s stream of 1s and 0s into the analog vibrations of a speaker or headphone you need a DAC or Digital Audio Converter. That’s a device that takes input signal and applies a mathematical formula to it resulting in the creation of an output signal that better vibrates the drivers of a sonic device. i.e. speakers or headphones. The DAC used in almost every consumer device uses a generic DAC that isn’t great for everything but gets the job done. If you upgrade the DAC to something better, you get better sound. Manufacturers don’t do this automatically because that would drive up the price of a consumer device and the ignorant wouldn’t notice the difference anyway. To get better music from your iPhone, Android, laptop or other digital device simply upgrade your DAC. There are lots of them out there but AudioQuest makes a great one that’s not too expensive called the Dragonfly. It won Stereophile’s “Computer Audio Component of the Year”. I don’t get paid anything by anyone for recommending this product. Check it out for yourself. You can learn more by clicking the link below:

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