Teaching Tech to Tackle Trouble
It seems like there is an answer for everything these days. A few years ago a pipe burst in my home while I was away. Everything in the basement, electronics including a large format printer, clothes, books, etc. was ruined. Even many of my tools were rusted. Because I was running a business from home the insurance capped out at $1,000. The loss was closer to ten times that amount. A friend of mine told me insurance companies are always looking for a way to pay less. Even worse was the amount of time I had to spend cleaning, sorting, drying and the depression that follows a loss of that magnitude. If only I knew about Pipe Burst Pro Residential before this happened. (By the way, Pipe Burst Pro did not ask me to write this nor are they compensating me in any way.) The truth is I did know about a similar product but I just didn’t think water leaks were something about which I needed to worry. Boy, was I naive. It turns out that every year thousands of homes are damaged by water from leaking pipes & pipe bursts. So, what is Pipe Burst Pro anyway? It’s a system, installed by a professional integrator, that detects leaks AND shuts off your water supply. It also integrates with your smart phone so you can get an alert if you are away from the premises. The peace of mind alone makes the system worth it but wait, there’s more. There are about twenty different insurance companies that will lower your premiums if you have this system including AIG, Farmers and Liberty Mutual. Pipe Burst Pro has a couple different versions available representing commercial & residential options and are made in the United States of America. They come with a 7 year limited warranty and a 2 year comprehensive warranty. Needless to say, you can find them at Haas Entertainment in Culver City.
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