What is Green Certified Surveillance?
Green certified refers to the process, rules, and regulations dictated by the government for proper implementation of a dispensary surveillance camera system. The California code 5044 is shown below. You can get further information by visiting the link at the end of this post.
- (a) Each licensed premises shall have a digital video surveillance system with a minimum camera resolution of 1280 × 720 pixels.
- (b)The video surveillance system shall at all times be able to effectively and clearly record images of the area under surveillance.
- (c) Each camera shall be permanently mounted and in a fixed location. Each camera shall be placed in a location that allows the camera to clearly record activity occurring within 20 feet of all points of entry and exit on the licensed premises, and allows for the clear and certain
identification of any person and activities in all areas required to be filmed under subsection - (d) of this section.
- (d) Areas that shall be recorded on the video surveillance system include the following:
- (1) Areas where cannabis goods are weighed, packed, stored, loaded, and unloaded for transportation, prepared, or moved within the licensed premises;
- (2) Limited-access areas;
- (3) Security rooms;
- (4) Areas storing a surveillance-system storage device with at least one camera recording the access points to the secured surveillance recording area; and
- (5) Entrances and exits to the licensed premises, which shall be recorded from both indoor and outdoor vantage points.
- (e) Licensed retailers and licensed microbusinesses authorized to engage in retail sales shall also record point-of-sale areas and areas where cannabis goods are displayed for sale on the video surveillance system. At each point-of-sale location, camera placement must allow for the
recording of the facial features of any person purchasing or selling cannabis goods, or any person in the retail area, with sufficient clarity to determine identity. - (f) Cameras shall record continuously 24 hours per day and at a minimum of 15 frames per second (FPS).
- (g) The physical media or storage device on which surveillance recordings are stored shall be secured in a manner to protect the recording from tampering or theft.
- (h) Surveillance recordings shall be kept for a minimum of 90 calendar days.
- (i) Surveillance recordings are subject to inspection by the Bureau, and shall be kept in a manner that allows the Bureau to view and obtain copies of the recordings at the licensed premises immediately upon request. The licensee shall also send or otherwise provide copies
of the recordings to the Bureau upon request within the time specified by the Bureau. - (j) Recorded images shall clearly and accurately display the time and date. Time is to be measured in accordance with the standards issued by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology.
- (k) The video surveillance system shall be equipped with a failure notification system that provides notification to the licensee of any interruption or failure of the video surveillance system or video surveillance-system storage device.
- (l) If multiple licensed premises are contained within the same building, a single video surveillance system covering the entire building may be used by all of the licensees under the following conditions:
- (1) Each applicant or licensee shall disclose on their premises diagram where the surveillance recordings are stored
- (2) Each applicant or licensee shall include in their security operating procedures, submitted with the application pursuant to section 5002(c)(29)(D) of this division, an explanation of how
the video surveillance system will be shared, including who is responsible for monitoring the video footage and storing any video recordings. - (3) All licensees shall have immediate access to the surveillance recordings to produce them pursuant to subsection (i) of this section.
- (4) All licensees shall be held responsible and subject to discipline for any violations of the video surveillance requirements.
The rules are always changing. Please visit the link below to stay current:
Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems

New in the world of surveillance systems are AI powered, intelligent video search & playback. The system is called Ella. With Ella, the user can simply type something such as “FedEx truck,” and Ella can immediately call up the moment a FedEx truck passed in front of the camera. This is because Ella is able to identify both the word “FedEx” as well as a truck, or any make or model car.
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