World Autism Awareness Day 2020
With so much going on in the world today it’s easy to forget some of the other issues many deal with on a daily basis. Haas Entertainment would like to take time out to observe World Autism Awareness Day 2020.
When it comes to Autism, almost all parents and caregivers for children with Autism have heard about Music Therapy. Music, transcends borders and languages. Music creates feelings and induces a positive visceral response. Because people with Autism can experience overwhelming sensory stimulus due to various reasons like a crowded room, a loud TV, strong smells and aromas, fluorescent lighting etc. Music has been professionally used to help calm individuals experiencing sensory overload.

While the causes for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are not well known, people who have it experience a heightened perception of sound, and most have developed brains which are ideally suited to understanding and mastering the art of music.
Here are 10 Surprising facts about how music affects people with ASD.

The theme for World Autism Awareness Day 2020 is “The Transition to Adulthood”. When we grow, the society expects us to become a participant in the social, economic and political life of our community. However, people with autism face challenges in doing so.
If you know someone on the spectrum who may benefit from music therapy please reach out to Haas Entertainment for advice on the best way to incorporate music into your home or office. Products well regarded by those on the spectrum include Dolby Dimension headphones, Hegel, Sound Engine 2 Amplifiers, and Broadmann Music Speakers.
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