Network Upgrade for Schools
Is your school or learning center looking to upgrade the network to accommodate several students using Zoom & Schoology at the same time? Are you looking to outfit several different classrooms with strong Wi-Fi. Are you worried about bandwidth and security? Are you looking to expand your existing computer lab or create a new after-school computer program? Do you need to know how much this type of upgrade is going to cost all-in? Haas Entertainment can help.
Haas Entertainment has been installing networks for quite a long time. You may not know it but sending audio & video over a computer network is not an easy task. Networks were originally designed to send packets of information. Sometimes an email will arrive immediately and sometimes it takes a few seconds. When sending video, you have a lot more information and it needs to be delivered in a smooth, uninterrupted stream. This requires a more advanced, network, designed for AV.
With everyone transitioning to remote meetings & remote learning you may want to know what’s involved with upgrading the network in your specific environment. Haas Entertainment works directly with the manufacturers to design and install a custom network upgrade for schools, specific to your requirements with full upgradability in the future.
There is a lot of information to unpack on this topic; Device Management, Firewalls, Content Filtering, Identity Management, Existing Network Infrastructure, Bandwidth Requirements and Budget. The best thing you can do is schedule a one-on-one meeting with us at your location to discuss what you have in mind. (Los Angeles area)
Our team is set up to give competitive bids. We can work directly with you or we can work through your general contractor. We provide network upgrade for schools includes design, detailed drawings, and installation services.
See best practices for setting up virtual student breakout rooms.

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