Crestron DigitalMedia™
The most secure AV products in the world.
The US Department of Defense just announced that the #Crestron DM NVX™ is both JITC and FIPS certified. This makes the DigitalMedia family of products the most complete, and secure, end-to-end AV system in the world.
Every Network. Yes. Secured. Yes.
Crestron DM NVX works with 100% of all existing networks. Additionally, Crestron partners with “best in breed” technology. Microsoft POY Cloud IoT tools. Intel. intoPIX. Add to that, every product is built to the strictest guidelines to ensure the greatest security.
Every Application? Yes!
From entertainment to educational, enterprise to entrepreneurial DM NVX offers organizations simple, sophisticated and secure solutions.
Reliable. Flexible. Scalable. Affordable. Secure.
DM NVX says yes.
Every Product Tested. Yes.
Every part of every component is tested in state-of-the art lab environments. To ensure a 0.0002% failure rate.
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