You’re living in a simulation.
Have you ever asked yourself if any of this is real? Or are we living in a simulation? The answer is mostly yes. But I’m not here to ponder the deeper philosophical musings of our being wholly encompassed by a computer program à la The Matrix. What I’m talking about is the garbage-quality reproduction mechanisms you’ve been using to experience life.
Looking at something on TV isn’t as engaging as looking at something IRL. That’s “in real life” for those of you not up with the lingo… The disparity is even more apparent while listening to music. You know what I’m talking about; The next time you’re a passenger in a car, close your eyes and listen to the clarity difference between someone talking on the radio versus the person driving. Sound reproduced through most speakers is nowhere near realistic.
Copy of a copy ad infinitum.
This limitation is caused by the cumulative effect of several technologies layered upon one another. It’s a copy of a copy of a copy… The actor speaks into a microphone. Their voice is converted into an audio signal which is quantized, compressed and modulated to be transmitted over the air waves, it’s further quantized and segmented into packets, reassembled by some media player, converted into a stream of analog electrical pulses that vibrate some speaker, made of who knows what materials, which in turn create pressure waves in the air before finally reaching your ears. This entire process may be tolerable to the ignorant masses but is utter rubbish to audiophiles who know how it is supposed to sound.
It’s even worse when you watch a movie. The reason is the process for digitizing & transporting video is even more destructive. One can be left with a movie that is dull, lifeless and has an over abundance of digital artifacts that prevent the mind from being fully engaged. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it.
Engage your senses.
The ultimate visceral experience happens when all your senses are engaged. This is what we do here at Haas Entertainment. We create environments that fully engage your vision, your hearing, even the tactile sensations created by the hairs on your skin. We do this by integrating the absolute state of the art in sound reproduction technology. We pair the world’s greatest speaker manufacturers with the world’s greatest amplifiers, cables, media players, and so on.
Cinema is an art form.
Film makers and movie studios invest huge amounts of time and money creating a product that is designed to move you. They do this by leveraging the latest in technology, expanded color spaces, wider dynamic range of contrast, higher level resolution audio, object-oriented sound engineering, ultra-high-resolution cameras & lenses, etc. You get the picture… Watching that movie someplace other than a cinema is like having a world-class restaurant grill you a steak only to have you squeeze all the juice out into a napkin before you take a bite.
Words will only get you so far.
To really understand what I’m talking about you need to experience a real architectural cinema first-hand. Might I suggest the Haas Entertainment Screening Room in Culver City? We have put together the best of everything so you can see, hear, and feel what you’re missing. We believe our custom home theater is superior to a commercial theater in every way. The best part is, if you like it, we can put one in your home. If you’re considering a home theater, please do yourself a favor and schedule an appointment.
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